All students in Grade 5 8:15am-10:00am New students in Grades 6-7 10:15am-12:00pm Hosted by Alison Hounsome, Music teacher.
Kindergarten Students 9:00am–9:45am Grades 1–7 10:30am–11:15am Welcome Lunch for New Families 11:30am–12:30pm Grades 8–12 1:00pm–2:30pm
Senior School Riders 11:00am Junior School Riders 1:00pm
We invite our new boarding families to join us for a special dinner in Glide Hall. Please let us know we will look forward to seeing you! Email
An email will be sent to parents with the time slot for their child's gradual entry. We look forward to a fun year!
Welcome back to QMS! Dress code: regular/casual uniform