Go Royals Go!
Go Royals Go! Friday 8:30am QMS vs Quamichan at Cowichan Sportsplex 11:00am QMS vs ADSS at Cowichan Sportsplex Saturday 8:30am QMS vs. Kelsey at Cowichan Sportsplex 11:30am QMS vs SLS 2nd at Shawnigan Lake School
Go Royals Go! Thursday @ 11:30am vs. PCS Friday @ 9:00am vs. NISS @ 5:45pm vs. St. John's Academy
Locations: Cowichan Sportsplex & Shawnigan Lake School Go Royals Go!
Go Royals Go! (top two students in each event)
Go Royals Go! (all students not in the play)
Go Royals Go!
Have fun athletes!