All School Photo Day

Queen Margaret's School 600 Brownsey Avenue, Duncan, BC, Canada

Location: Founders' Hall

Grade 5 Parent Coffee Morning

Queen Margaret's School 600 Brownsey Avenue, Duncan, BC, Canada

Location: TLC Student Lounge

Canadian Universities Event (CUE)  

Brentwood College School Mill Bay, BC

Great for students Grades 10-12. Location: Foote Centre - Brentwood College Multipurpose Room The bus departs at 7:00pm from QMS and should return around 9:00pm Our QMS time to visit is 7:30pm – 8:30pm  This event brings together over 30 representatives from universities across Canada.   Students can go on their own with their parents or … Continued

Away: Senior Boys Soccer Game vs. Ucluelet

Sherman Park Soccer Field 3257 Sherman Road, Duncan, British Columbia, Canada

Go Royals Go! No typo here, our Royals are in the DCS Invitational today, as well as taking on Ucluelet in a home game at Sherman Road. Let's go boys!

QMS Terry Fox Run

Queen Margaret's School 600 Brownsey Avenue, Duncan, BC, Canada

Parents and families welcome! 9:30 AM All students and adults gather in formation (by grade) on the field in front of the TLC Welcome and warm up and information K - 3 stays on grass for their start 4-12 moves to the front entrance gate of the school. 4-12 cheer the younger kids on during … Continued